Welcome to Script Your Health

  • Quickly treat your common conditions now.
  • Low price at $33, no insurance needed
  • No appointment needed *
  • We accept patients between the ages of 18 and 64.
* If a video-based appointment ($90) is needed upon provider's review, the $33 fee will be refunded.
* Unfortunately, we are unable to accept Medicare or Medicaid.
Start Treat now
Conditions we can Treat Now!
Sinus infection
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Vaginal yeast infection
Birth control
Weight loss
Cold sores
Erectile dysfunction
Premature ejaculation
Vaginal dryness
Athlete's food
Script Your Health, Ivins, Utah
Serving patients from: AZ, MD, MA, NV, UT, VA

Technical support: support@getkay.ai